Wedding shoes

Beautiful wedding shoes and amazingly beautiful wedding gown - the result of strenuous hiking to shopping and many hours of fitting a dressmaker. Here we dobravlis until undetectable, but at the same time, and the most important accessory.

If you buy ready-made clothes, the shoes must be purchased in the first place as to adjust the length of the skirt you already own can not. The optimal length skirts - 3 cm from the ground. If you choose the shoes after buying the dress, the ideal would be if a tissue sample from which sewed a dress, not to miscalculate the color and texture of shoes.

The main thing in wedding shoes all the same thing as in the everyday - it should be easy. You will have to spend a day in their shoes and uncomfortable, ill-fitting shoes on the leg can poison the existence of any of the happiest bride. This applies both satin "disposable" shoes, and shoes or sandals, purchased the long term.

Shoes for the bride usually white or light: pearl, cream, pink and blue hues. It does not matter whether they are open or closed, on his heels or without. The main thing is that they blend with your chosen style. Choosing the height of the heel, do not forget about the height of hair and veil, if you do not want to suddenly be higher than the groom.

Buying shoes rail at them a couple of weeks before the wedding to soften the hard edges, and do not forget to remove all labels from the outside and inside the shoes. In any case, it is worth to take a convenient change of footwear to prevent unpleasant surprises.